
Pubg Mobile Update
pubg mobile update


After the success of the PUBG Mobile 1.5 Ignition update, Krafton is all set to the 1.6 Update release date.

Pubg Mobile Series Of Uneventful

If you’re looking for the latest version of pubg download 2021, then you be required to go to the official portal that contains a PUBG mobile 10.6 APK and OBB files that weigh 742 MB.After PUBGM’s ban in India on 2nd September, there is no update on when PUBGM India will get launched in the country. The ministry hasn’t granted a single hearing to PUBG officials.‘Efforts from PUBG were made in the right earnest, but the situation is such – that there has been no headwind or progress on the matter. BGMI aka PUBG mobile is widely popular and one of the most played games in the world. It will soon receive an update of PUBG Mobile that will bring new features for the popular Battle Royale game. Many new features have already rolled out while some other features will be released within this month.PUBG Mobile Update – Great sign for PUBG Mobile comeback, PUBG appoints new India country head : After a series of uneventful updates and no-go from the Ministry of Electronic and Information Technology, there is a blink of freshness in the news that revolves around PUBGM India.

...pubg mobile update

Pubg Mobile Install APK File

Both Resource Packs (Image via PUBG Mobile)Step 4: Once the required resource pack is installed, they can log in through the guest account and try the 1.7 beta version of the game.In case of parsing error, users are recommended to reinstall APK file for PUBG Mobile 1.7 beta. In addition, they must download additional resource packs.Step 1: Users should download the required version on their Android devices through the links given above.2nd step: Afterwards, once the required APK is downloaded to their devices, they can proceed with the installation function.(They must enable the “Install from unknown source” setting before installation)Step 3: Once the process is complete, gamers can boot the beta of PUBG Mobile and then choose between the two resource packs – Low-spec and HD. As a result, users in the country should refrain from downloading the beta and play BGMI instead.Download PUBG Mobile 1.7 Beta on Android DevicesHere are the links for 64-bit and 32-bit Android APKs for PUBG Mobile 1.7 Beta:Android x64 (64-bit): Click here – Size of 664 MBAndroid x86 (32-bit): Click here – size 585 Mo Since the file sizes are mentioned above, users should note that they have adequate storage space on their mobiles. Now that the highly anticipated beta of PUBG Mobile 1.7 has been released, they can download it and dive into the new content.More interestingly, there is no need for an invite or link code this time around, which means that all users who download the APK can take advantage of the new features.Note: PUBG Mobile is banned in India. Before releasing a new update, the developers of PUBG Mobile are holding a beta test for players to experience all the new features before bringing them into the game.

pubg mobile update